Europa dopasowana do cyfrowej epoki: W kierunku prawdziwie europejskiego społeczeństwa cyfrowego.
Poniżej główne przewidywane działania UE w zakresie cyfryzacji jakie będą ogłoszone w Q1
Technology that works for people:
– White Paper on artificial intelligence setting out options for a legislative framework boosting trust in AI and respecting Europe’s fundamental rights and ethics (February 2020)
– Digital Services Act Package to strengthen responsibility of online platforms, boost administrative cooperation between competent authorities, including the European Regulators Group for Audiovisual Media Services (ERGA), protect fundamental rights and make it easier to scale up in the Digital Single Market (Q4 2020)
– Revision of eIDAS Regulation to improve its effectiveness and extend its benefits to the private sector (Q4 2020)
– Media Action Plan to stimulate the creation of quality content, stimulate media pluralism and journalistic freedom and improve acces to content for consumers (Q4 2020)
– Democracy Action Plan (timing TBC)
– Digital Education Action Plan to modernise education systems and boost excellence in higher education to prepare our young people effectively for the Digital Age and increase the number of graduates with advanced digital skills (Q3 2020)
– Initiative to promote and protect the interests of platform workers (timing TBC)
A fair and competitive digital economy
– Communication on a European data strategy to make Europe a global leader in the data economy (February 2020), announcing a legislative framework for data governance (Q3 2020) and a Data Act that could tackle business-to-government data sharing, more control of personal data, as well as clarifications on B2B data sharing scenarios and intellectual property rights in data sharing (2021)
– Building and deploying cutting-edge joint digital capacities in AI, cyber, super- and quantum computing and blockchain, supported by substantive financial support under the next Multiannual Financial Framework, including from the Digital Europe Programme. These will be underpinned by a Regulation on European Digital Capacity that will establish an EU legal framework allowing for flexible governance arrangements [Q4 2020]
– Accelerating Europe’s Gigabit connectivity, through a revision of the Broadband Cost Reduction Directive, an updated Action Plan on 5G and 6G and a new Spectrum Policy Programme (2021)
– Launching the process establishing a joint Cyber Unit [Q1 2020] and a Review of the Security of Network and Information Systems (NIS) Directive to boost the EU’s cyber resilience (Q4 2020)
– Evaluation and possible adaptation of the EU competition rules [Timing TBC], launch of a sector inquiry [Timing TBC] and assessment of options for an ex ante regulatory framework for gate-keeping platforms with significant network effects as part of the Digital Services Act Package (Q4 2020)
– Focused initiative on the collaborative economy [description to be provided by DG GROW]
– An SME strategy that opens up opportunities for SMEs to become more competitive and innovative, to create jobs, to benefit from digitisation, to adopt sustainable practices and operate freely in the EU Single Market and beyond
– Digital taxation initiative, taking into account progress made in the context of the OECD [Timing TBC].
A digital and sustainable society
– Mission Earth initiative bringing together scientific and industrial excellence to develop a high precision digital model of Earth (a “Digital Twin of the Earth”) that would radically improve Europe’s environmental prediction and crisis management capabilities (Timing TBC)
– to make data centres carbon-neutral and more energy-efficient by 2030 (2021)
–Transparency measures for telecom operators for more information on their environmental practices and standards. (timing TBC)
– A Circular device initiative, including a right to repair to extend the lifecycle of electronic devices [2021]
– European health records to improve European citizens secure access to and exchange of health data across the EU (Timing TBC).
– A European health data space to improve safe and secure accessibility of health data allowing for targeted and faster research, diagnosis and treatment (Timing TBC).
– 5G corridors roll-out for connected and automated mobility according to a strategic development agenda (2021-2027) and pilot support for 5G railway corridors (2021-2023).
– Act on self-driving and connected mobility to ensure an updated legal frameworks that will foster the safe deployment of autonomous vehicles in Europe (Timing TBC)
The international dimension – Europe as a global digital player
– A Global Digital Cooperation Strategy that will go beyond regulatory cooperation in order to promote use of trusted digital technologies and connectivity that enhance the quality of life of people while respecting fundamental rights (2021).
– A White Paper on an instrument of foreign subsidies [TBC].
– A Digital for Development Hub that will bring together the EU development agencies in order to foster EU development policy interventions in the area of digital [Timing TBC].
– A specific approach to digital standardisation, which will allow for the deployment of interoperable technologies and promote Europe’s approach and ideas on the global stage (Q3 2020).
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