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Europejscy naukowcy proponują Europejski Instytut ds Sztuczne Inteligencji

Artykuł w The Guardian, fragment

Scientists plan huge European AI hub to compete with US

Scientists plan huge European AI hub to compete with US Exclusive: In an open letter, the scientists say the proposed Ellis institute is essential to avoid brain drain to big tech firms

Leading scientists have drawn up plans for a vast multinational European institute devoted to world-class artificial intelligence (AI) research in a desperate bid to nurture and retain top talent in Europe.

The new institute would be set up for similar reasons as Cern, the particle physics lab near Geneva, which was created after the second world war to rebuild European physics and reverse the brain drain of the brightest and best scientists to the US.

Named the European Lab for Learning and Intelligent Systems, or Ellis, the proposed AI institute would have major centres in a handful of countries, the UK included, with each employing hundreds of computer engineers, mathematicians and other scientists with the express aim of keeping Europe at the forefront of AI research.

In an open letter that urges governments to act, the scientists describe how Europe has not kept up with the US and China, where the vast majority of leading AI firms and universities are based. The letter adds that while a few “research hotspots” still exist in Europe, “virtually all of the top people in those places are continuously being pursued for recruitment by US companies.”


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Piotr Mieczkowski

Helping innovation & digital to grow. TMT expert & advisor.