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Globalnie video stanowi 65% ruchu na mobile w downlink

Pisałem już na blogu o ruchu w sieci (Netflix traci palmę pierwszeństwa i spada na drugie miejsce w globalnym ruchu internetowym). Tym razem spójrzmy na mobile za 2019 (tuż przed COVID19). Z braku czasu pozwolę sobie powklejać wykresy z raportu Sandvine “Mobile Internet Phenomena Report”. Firma sprzedaje skrzynki do sterowania ruchem i inspekcji ruchu.

Video dominates mobile. The 2019 Global Internet Phenomena Report showed that video was 60% of downstream traffic overall on the internet. The 2020 totals for mobile video are even higher, with 62% overall and over 65% of all downstream traffic.
I Tube, YouTube, We all Tube… YouTube is still the commanding leader on the worldwide mobile internet, but not by quite as much as last year. Facebook Video is up signficantly from last year, and it is up in both the Americas and Europe, where it has become the political advertising medium of choice, and the sample period for this report was squarely in the middle of election season.
Ruch na 5G jest jak na światłowodzie i tak też należy budować sieć – 5G jak fixed.

Piotr Mieczkowski

Helping innovation & digital to grow. TMT expert & advisor.